Blessed Encounters

Location : New Orleans
Always looking for the authenticity of places, "Blessed encounters" are a glimpse of the encounters I had during a trip through the streets of New Orleans. They all have in common that they are waiting for something.
One is waiting for the Mississippi ferry, to reach the other side and go about her business. The other is waiting for the end of the washing cycle. Nothing else to say or do. A third, a driver on the famous St. Charles line, is about to start his shift. The hour is approaching. Further out in the suburbs, a parishioner waits for the priest to finish his gospel mass. They wait. I wait with them, to better observe them and I feed on this mosaic of people, models in spite of themselves, furtive encounters.
Small moments of life captured in the course of these encounters and these moments of waiting. Time is suspended, nothing much happens. These moments captured by my lens are no less rich and intense. In a city where beliefs of all kinds are perceptible at first glance, this waiting time that the photographer loves so much and that he savours, allows for an ephemeral encounter. Blessed time.